Why can't I view data for today's date?
The Wikimedia pageviews API generally takes a full 24 hours to populate, sometimes longer. In some situations you may see data missing for yesterday's date as well, which will be left blank rather than showing a count of zero views.
What are the dots next to the date labels?
This indicates the first day of the week. Pageviews tend to be low during the weekends, so this indicator can give perspective to the seven-day pattern.
How can I change the chart type?
Click "Chart type" to choose amongst 6 different types. The app will remember your preference. By default, the application will show a bar chart when viewing data for a single page, and a line chart for multiple pages. Note that the pie, doughnut and polar area charts can only show data for total number of views within the daterange.
I have a feature request or bug to report
If you would like to use a wiki to provide feedback, use the feedback forum on Meta. You can also report issues on Phabricator.